When will the bus be at my stop?
Each designated stop has estimated arrival times on the sign, however, if you are using our flag stop services you will want to use our route timetables to determine the time point closest to your stop and then expect the bus to be by shortly after that time point. You can also check for the real-time location of the bus on Valley Transits itransitnw.com
What is Flag Stop? And where can I use it?
Flag stop is a feature of the Valley Transit fixed-route service where buses in-route will stop for you if you wave them down. Buses can stop anywhere that is safe to do so, and is not in the downtown Walla Walla Core or the Walla Walla University core on College Avenue between 4th St. and Whitman St. See more about safe flag stops here.
I left an item on the bus, how do I retrieve it?
Items (with the exception of bicycles) left on Valley Transit vehicles or property are turned in to our Road Supervisors who bring them to the Main Facility. Valley Transit logs each item and holds them for 90 days from when they are received at the administration office. Most items are retained for 14 days before being donated or recycled as appropriate.
Bicycles are logged at the Valley Transit Main Facility for a record that we had them but they are turned over to the appropriate police department as soon as possible. (Usually with-in a day)
Does Valley Transit accept credit/debit cards as payment for passes or fares?
Yes, and No.
You can use your chipped credit or debit cards to purchase passes at the Valley Transit Main Office (1401 W Rose St, Walla Walla) or through the Token Transit App.
However, you cannot use a credit or debit card to pay for your fare when you board a vehicle. You must have Cash or an authorized fare type when boarding a bus. However, most all modes except for Job Access and Vanpool are currently under the Zero-Fare Pilot Program, and do not require any fare to board.
How do I contact Token Transit?
The best way to reach Token Transit is though the help feature of the application. You can send them a text or email though the app which will provide the quickest response. You can also call them at 1 (415) 918-6628.
How can I purchase discounted bus passes?
Discounted passes have been suspended for the duration of the zero-fare pilot project.
However, Valley Transit has several fare types to meet each individual user’s needs. Our standard discounted fare for Special Transportation Needs (STN) is available by self-certification at any of our vendor locations. Our Dial-A-Ride passes are available for purchase at the Main Office or Market Station. However, to be eligible for Dial-A-Ride there is an application which must be completed and delivered to the Main Office. For that reason we encourage you to purchase your first Dial-A-Ride pass at the Main Office. Valley Transit also has a Reduced Fare Permit which allows clients to pay half fare on the fixed route buses. The Reduced Fare Permit can only be received at the Main Office.
I want to buy passes for an organization as a gift of charity. Can I buy X amount of passes or how does it work?
Valley Transit has gift certificates available at the Main Office that are redeemable within a year from the purchase date for any pass type; the person would pay the difference if their specific pass type exceeded the gift certificate amount. Gift certificates may not be redeemed for any cash value.
Where can I buy a bus pass after hours?
Valley Transit has a couple options for people who have a conflicting schedule. First you can purchase a pass using the Token Transit App at any time you would like. You may also purchase a pass by mail by simply sending a check with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Valley Transit 1401 W Rose St. Walla Walla, 99362. Valley Transit will then complete the pass purchase and mail you back the pass. Lastly you don’t need to be present to purchase a pass so you could send someone to buy the pass for you.
What time is the office at the Market Station open?
There are currently no set hours for the Grape Line office window to be open. Security staff is present from 6:15 am to 8:45 pm. Closed all Major Holidays. If you are attempting to utilize the office during office hours and no staff is present, please call 509-525-9140 for assistance.
How can I report a problem I am having while riding the bus?
The fastest way to report any events, complaints, or compliments related to Valley Transit is by calling the administration office at 509-525-9140. You can also email info@valleytransit.infojinidigital.com.
Where can I find information on rules for riding the bus?
There are several policies which are related to riding the bus available on Valley Transit’s website including the code of conduct.
Is child car seat or booster seat required in Valley Transit buses?
Valley Transit vehicles do not require the use of a child car seat or booster seat, but mini-buses and vans are equipped with appropriate seat belts if you choose to bring your own child or booster seat with you. A responsibility party is required to hold a child small enough to typically use a car seat.
Does Valley Transit offer travel training?
Yes. If you are in need of travel training service on any mode of service, you can call 509-525-9140 to set up an appointment for individualized training with an employee. These training classes can also be delivered to small groups. Travel training must be scheduled in advance.